
更新时间:2020-10-26 20:58:48点击: 科研管理新闻

成天软件海量科研管理资讯平台提供:南方科技大学前沿与交叉科学研究院(以下简称南科大交叉研究院)致力于促进前沿科学的探索研究与学科发展的交叉融合。通过组织不同学科和专业背景的科研人员开展协同合作研究,创新体制机制,聚焦重大科研方向,跨越学科边界,实现学科间的思维碰撞与技术共享,积极地促进南方科技大学的前沿科学发展、学科交叉融合和先进技术创新。 南科大交叉研究院目前已成立清洁能源研究院(Energy-X)、材料基因组研究院(Material-X)、海洋科学与工程研究院(Ocean-X)、生物医药研究院(Medi-X)、智能科学研究院(Intelligence-X)、风险分析预测与管控研究院(Risks-X)、智能制造研究院(Manufacturing-X)等七个交叉学科研究院;已建立了电化学储能平台、晶体生长与薄膜制备平台、天然气水合物平台、中子科学中心、可视化中心、3D打印平台、真空互联平台、精加工车间等公共科研平台;已获批多个教育部及省市级重点实验室(中心),包括教育部能量转换与存储技术重点实验室、粤港澳光热电能源材料与器件联合实验室、广东省电驱动力能源材料重点实验室、南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(广州)深圳分部、深圳市天然气水合物重点实验室、深圳市固态电池研发重点实验室、前沿材料高压制备工程研究中心等。 交叉研究院通过研究序列教授聘用、博士后研究员聘用和国际人才交流引进等人才引进项目,全方位、多层次引进具有综合科研素质、跨学科交叉的科学研究及工程技术人才,促进南科大前沿交叉学科发展和建设。 南科大交叉研究院此次将启动博士后研究员聘用项目。 岗位要求 1.年龄35周岁以下; 2.具有较高的学术水平和科研能力; 3.原则上获得博士学位不超过3年。 拟聘人员薪酬福利待遇 1.年薪不低于33.6万元(含省市补贴)。优秀博士后可申请“校长卓越博士后”,年薪不低于50万元(含省市补贴); 2.福利费参照学校教职工标准发放,并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金; 3.未使用校内周转宿舍或未依托学校使用深圳市公租房的博士后,可另享受住房补贴(2800元/月); 4.拥有优良的工作环境和境内外合作交流机会,博士后在站期间享受两年共计2.5万学术交流经费资助; 5.博士后出站时根据考核,成绩突出者可优先考虑聘为交叉研究院研究序列教授; 6.学校可协助办理人才及配偶、子女深圳户口或大陆居留许可,协调子女入学; 7.博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可以申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助。深圳市政府给予每人每年10万元科研资助,共资助3年(以深圳市最新申报要求为准); 8.对于符合最新《深圳市新引进人才租房和生活补贴》相关政策要求的博士后,落户深圳后,可协助申请深圳市一次性租房和生活补贴3万元(免税,自主网上申请); 9.依据自身符合的条件情况,在站或出站留深博士后可申请 "深圳市孔雀计划C类人才"或者"深圳市后备级人才",享受5年160万的奖励津贴(免税)(以深圳市最新相关人才申报要求为准)。 博士后项目和基金介绍 1.广东省博士后在站生活补贴:30万/两年 2.深圳市博士后在站生活补贴:12万/两年(税后) 3.博士后创新人才支持计划:63万/两年(与广东省补贴不兼容) 4.博士后国际交流计划引进项目:60万/两年(与广东省补贴不兼容) 5.中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站前、站中):18万(科研经费) 6.中国博士后科学基金面上项目:12万/8万(科研经费) 7.广东省海外青年博士后引进项目:60万/两年(与广东省、深圳市补贴不兼容) 应聘材料 1.个人简历,含学习、工作和科研经历; 2.反映本人学术水平和代表性的学术成果清单(如论文、论著、成果证书或奖励等); 3.提供2-3封推荐信及推荐人的姓名以及有效联系方式(需提供博士导师的联系方式); 4.其他可以证明工作能力的材料。 咨询方式 联系人:魏文华(前沿与交叉科学研究院) 电话:+86-755-88015713 Email: weiwh2017@sustech.edu.cn。 请有意向申请者查阅文末列表,将相关材料投递给相关研究方向联络人。 申报截止时间 2020年11月11日 南科大简介 南方科技大学是深圳在中国高等教育改革发展的时代背景下,创建的一所高起点、高定位的公办创新型大学,它肩负着为我国高等教育改革发挥先导和示范作用的使命,并致力于服务创新型国家建设和深圳创新型城市建设。南科大被确定为国家高等教育综合改革试验校。2012年4月,教育部同意建校,并赋予学校探索具有中国特色的现代大学制度、探索创新人才培养模式的重大使命。 南科大根据世界一流理工科大学的学科设置和办学模式,以理、工、医为主,兼具商科和特色人文社科,在本科、硕士、博士层次办学,在一系列新的学科方向上开展研究,使学校成为引领社会发展的思想库和新知识、新技术的源泉。南科大将发扬“敢闯敢试、求真务实、改革创新、追求卓越”的创校精神,突出“创知、创新、创业”(Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship)的办学特色,努力服务创新型国家建设及深圳国际化现代化创新型城市建设,快速建设成为聚集一流师资、培养拔尖创新人才、创造国际一流学术成果并推动科技应用的国际化高水平研究型大学,为尽早实现创建世界一流研究型大学的宏伟目标打下坚实基础。 南科大设置数学系、物理系、化学系、生物系、地球与空间科学系、统计与数据科学系、电子与电气工程系、材料科学与工程系、海洋科学与工程系、计算机科学与工程系、环境科学与工程学院、力学与航空航天工程系、机械与能源工程系、生物医学工程系、金融系等25个院系中心。 目前已签约引进教师约1044人,其中教研序列教授(tenure/tenure-track)约500位,院士44位,高层次人才比例占40%以上;学生总数7639人,其中在籍本科生4422人,研究生在读人数3217人 (含博士生1583人,硕士生1634人)。 自2016年起,全国普通高等学校科技统计中我校连续三年人均科研经费超过100万元,名列全国高校前五名。学校已获批建设1个国家级科研平台,19个省部级科研平台,41个市级科研平台。最新自然指数(2019年5月1日至2020年4月30日)显示,南科大位列全球大学66名,中国大学第18位,自然指数加权论文值为158.83。2020年9月2日,泰晤士世界大学排名网发布“泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名2021”,南方科技大学首次进入世界排名300强,位列第251-300位,排在中国内地高校第8位。 交叉研究院各科研平台联络信息一览表 Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies Notice on Application for Postdoctoral Researcher (The second batch of applications: starts on October 15, 2020) SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies has so far established seven interdisciplinary research institutes: Clean Energy Institute (Energy-X), Material Genome Institute (Material-X), Ocean Science and Engineering Institute (Ocean-X), Pharmaceutical Institute (Medi-X), Artificial Intelligence Institute (Intelligence-X), Institute of Risk Analysis Prediction and Management (Risks-X), and Intelligent Manufacturing Institute (Manufacturing-X). Several research platforms including Electrochemical Energy Storage Platform, Crystal Growth and Thin-Film Preparation Platform, Natural Gas Hydrate Platform, Neutron Science Center, Visualization Center, 3D Printing Platform, Vacuum Interconnection Systems Platform, and Machine Shop have also been set up and running. Many national-level (under the auspices of Ministry of Education), provincial and municipal key laboratories (centers) have been officially approved, including Key Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies,Ministry of Education, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Joint Laboratory for Photonic-Thermal-Electrical Energy Materials and Devices, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Energy Materials for Electric Power, Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou), Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Hydrate, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Solid State Batteries, Shenzhen Engineering Research Center for Frontier Materials Synthesis at High Pressures, etc. Through the recruitment of research-track professors, recruitment of postdoctoral researcher, exchange and introduction of international professionals and other talent recruiting programs, SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies not only brings together interdisciplinary scientific research and engineering professionals with comprehensive scientific research quality at all levels and on multiple horizons, but also promotes advanced interdisciplinary development and construction of SUSTech. SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies will launch “Postdoctoral Researcher Recruitment Program” at this time. Requirements 1.Under 35 years old; 2.High academic attainment and strong capacity for scientific research; 3.Interval time of at most three years after being conferred with doctoral degree in principle. Salary and Benefit Package for Candidates 1.Annual salary will be not less than RMB 336,000 (including provincial and municipal subsidies). Outstanding post-doctors can apply for the title of “President’s Outstanding Post-doctor” with annual salary of at least RMB 500,000 (including provincial and municipal subsidies); 2.Welfare benefit will be paid at the same level as that for SUSTech faculty and staff, and be covered with social insurance and housing provident fund according to the relevant regulations of Shenzhen City; 3.Post-doctor, who does not reside in the on-campus alternative dormitory or reside in Shenzhen public rental housing, is entitled to additional housing subsidy (RMB 2800/month); 4.SUSTech will provide top-notch working environment and opportunities for cooperation and exchanges at home and abroad. Post-doctor is entitled to academic exchange subsidy for two years (RMB 25,000 in total) during the in-service period at the post-doctor research station; 5.According to the performance evaluation results, when post-doctors graduate from post-doctor research station, those with outstanding performance may be given priority to be hired as research-track professors of SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies; 6.SUSTech can assist in applying for Shenzhen registered permanent residence or mainland residence permit for professionals and their spouses and children, and coordinate for children’s school enrollment; 7.Post-doctor, who graduates from post-doctor research station and subsequently chooses to stay in Shenzhen City, devote to scientific research and have signed a labor (employment) contract for a validity term of more than three years with Shenzhen-based enterprise or public institution, is entitled to applying for “Shenzhen Research Grant for Post-doctor Staying in Shenzhen”. Shenzhen Municipal Government will grant each post-doctor an annual research grant of RMB100,000 for a total of three years (subjected to the latest application requirements of Shenzhen City); 8.For post-doctor who meets the relevant policy requirements of the latest Rental and Living Subsidy for Professionals Newly Introduced by Shenzhen and settles in Shenzhen City, he/she can enjoy the help to apply for one-off rental and living subsidy of RMB30,000 (tax-free, online application at discretion); 9.As the case might be, post-doctor can apply for “C-type Professional of Shenzhen Peacock Plan” or “Shenzhen Reserve-level Professional”, and be entitled to a five-year incentive allowance totaled RMB1.6 million (tax-free) (subjected to the latest relevant declaration requirements for professionals in Shenzhen City). Introduction to Post-doctor Programs & Funds 1.Living allowance for in-service post-doctor in Guangdong Province: 300,000/two years; 2.Living allowance for in-service post-doctor in Shenzhen City: RMB120,000/two years (after tax); 3.Post-doctor Innovation-Oriented Professionals Support Plan: RMB630,000/two years (incompatible with subsidies granted by Guangdong Province); 4.Post-doctor International Exchange Plan and Introduction Program: RMB600,000/two years (incompatible with subsidies granted by Guangdong Province); 5.Special funding from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (before admission to post-doctor research station and in-service period in post-doctor research station): RMB180,000 (scientific research funding); 6.General Project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation: RMB120,000/RMB80,000 (scientific research funding); 7.Overseas Young Post-doctor Introduction Program of Guangdong Province: RMB600,000/two years (incompatible with subsidies by Shenzhen City and Guangdong Province). Application Materials 1.Personal resume, including the detailed information on educational background, work experience and research experience; 2.A detailed account of academic achievements in proof of academic level and representative academic achievements (such as papers, treatises, achievement certificates or awards, etc.); 3.2-3 recommendation letters, as well as name and valid contact information of every recommender (contact information of doctoral supervisor is required); 4.Other materials in proof of work ability. Contact Information Miss. Wenhua Wei, Tel: +86-755-88015713, Email: weiwh2017@sustech.edu.cn Contacts of departments are listed in the end. Please refer to the list in the end and submit materials to the relevant person. Deadline for Application November 11, 2020 About SUSTECH Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) is a research-oriented public university founded in Shenzhen, China’s innovation center, to serve as a model for reforming the education system and modernizing the national university system. SUSTech has learned from world-class research institutions spanning the globe and has planned its academic disciplines based on the major needs and strategic industries emerging around the Pearl River Delta region. With a major focus on science and engineering, SUSTech still has substantial research focuses in medicine, humanities and social sciences, to maximize the potential for new ideas across disciplines for new knowledge, new technologies and social development. With the characteristic of research, innovation and entrepreneurship, the unique spirit of hard work, SUSTech aims to attract high-quality talents to its faculty, cultivate outstanding and innovative graduates, achieve internationally excellent research outcomes, advance knowledge and promote the application of science and technology, and to become a world-class research university.  Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Southern University of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies”) has since its inception dedicated itself to frontier scientific research with emphasis on the cross-disciplinary developments and collaborations. By mobilizing scientific research personnel engaged in various disciplines with different professional backgrounds to carry out cooperative research, SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies aims to innovate research systems and mechanisms. With staying focused on major scientific research directions and transcending discipline boundaries to achieve thought-colliding and technology-sharing between disciplines, the academy strives to help push forward the cutting-edge scientific research, interdisciplinary integration and advanced technological innovation at SUSTech. Contact Information List of Research Platforms Affiliated to SUSTech Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies
》》》》成天软件科研管理系统 采用多层软件架构、统一身份认证以及基于XML的数据呈现,能够基于校园网/互联网为高校、医院、研究所科研管理提供先进、实用的信息化管理平台。
高校科研管理系统 涵盖高校科研管理工作的所有环节,能够适应理工农医类、人文社科类以及综合性高校的管理需求,协助高校建立符合自身特殊需要的个性化科技管理规范,为高校建设数字校园奠定坚实的技术基础与管理基础。